Yesterday I had someone seriously question why I was a vegetarian. Its been a Really Long Time since this has happened. I had assumed that, at this point in the United States, most people had heard about factory farming. I figured that everyone had taken a second to look at the packaging of their food, list of ingrediants, and considered how much processing and travel had taken place. And I thought people had seen the various fake-meat products that were available to make the transition easier.
I found myself explaining the ethics and the larger picture of it and how I felt that this was a simple personal choice I was making. But, I also found myself talking about how this isnt't for me, but for the larger community, not animals but people and the health of the environment.
Perfect timing. Take a look at this Washington Post op-ed on whether eating meat is a personal choice.
James E. McWilliams writes: "So it's hard to avoid concluding that eating cannot be personal. What I eat influences you. What you eat influences me. Our diets are deeply, intimately and necessarily political."