26 August 2009

Final Day in EAC Office

Wow. Its been an incredible 8 months. A little over a year ago Jessy Tolkin bounced into my Greenpeace Organizing Term and gave the pitch that sold me to this movement. From there its been all Energy Action all the time. I moved out to DC this past January to intern for Power Shift, organizing the largest Lobby Day in history. There have been a lot of first's here. My first blog post, first Power Shift, first radioshow interview, first call as a field organizer, first New York State Network, first retreat planned, first fundraiser planned, and first campaign planned and created! This summer, working out of the EAC office I was the climate program fellow. Past SustainUS delegations felt that having a domestic campaign before the international negotiations is the best way to actually shape the results of the talks. This summer I wrote a campaign, pitched it to other organizations, created the materials, held the calls, and trained the field support team. This summer has really demonstrated that this is what I want to do with my life. I love working with young people and I love being inspired everyday by the growth and creativity of our movement. Going to Copenhagen this December is cherry to this sundae. I will be with the top sustainable develpment organizers surrounded by the top NGO's and business and industry leaders. Seeing the local, state and federal-focused work I've been doing lead up to and affect these key international negotiations is the opportunity of a lifetime and I can't wait to share the experience with you all. Thanks Energy Action, SustainUS, and Hofstra University.

25 August 2009

US Delegation Acceptance Letter

I hope this finds you well and your summer going fantastic! I am still in DC and just found out great news that I wanted to share with you.

I was one of the 25 youth chosen to serve on the US delegation to the UN Climate Negotiations and fifth meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP15 and COP/MOP5), which will be in Copenhagen from December 7-18!! Basically you've heard of Kyoto, and soon you'll be hearing of Copenhagen! I'll be part of the International Youth Delegation submitting policy recommendations, entering testimony on climate change, and planning demonstrations and actions in response. I could not be more excited.

Survival is Not Negotiable